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Seminar: Assoc Prof Sammy Bedoui

24 April 2017, 2:00pm - 24 April 2017, 3:00pm

Innate regulation of T cell immunity

Innate regulation of T cell immunity

Venues: Cairns B001-031 videolinked to Townsville 145-030

Sammy’s research has defined how particular types of T cells protect the host from bacterial infections, uncovering that these responses are regulated through the stimulation of protein complexes within dendritic cells, the so-called inflammasomes. His work on virus infections has identified how different dendritic cell types contribute to the initiation of virus-specific immunity and has delineated how specific viral fragments augment these responses. Ongoing work interrogates the mechanisms by which T cells ‘help’ dendritic cells in driving immune responses. Overall, Sammy’s work has shed new light into understanding how dendritic cells integrate multiple signals into protective immunity against infections.

Speaker biography: A/Prof Sammy Bedoui has a medical degree from the Hannover Medical School in Germany and heads a laboratory at the Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity in Melbourne. Sammy teaches Immunology to undergraduate students and is Director of an international PhD student exchange program with the University of Bonn in Germany. Sammy has previously held positions at the Walter & Eliza Hall Institute in Melbourne, the National Institute of Neuroscience in Tokyo and the Hannover Medical School.

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