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SEMINAR: Dr. Stefan Stieglitz

08 December 2016, 11:00am - 08 December 2016, 12:30pm

Social Media and Gamification

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Social media and concepts such as gamification become increasingly important in different domains such as health, economy or politics. In his presentation Stefan will give a short overview about this area and his research in this field. Moreover, he will provide some insights into "Improving chronic disease management through social media applications (DMS)", an innovative project which is planned to be realised between JCU and University of Duisburg-Essen in 2017.

Dr. Stefan Stieglitz is professor and head of the research group for Professional Communication in Electronic Media / Social Media at University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany. Previously, he worked hold a position as assistant professor at the University of Münster. Stefan is also director of the Competence Center Connected Organization. He received his PhD from University of Potsdam. In his research, he investigates user behaviour and technology adaption of information systems. His work has been published in reputable journals including Journal of Management Information System (JMIS), Business & Information Systems Engineering (BISE), International Journal of Social Research Methodology, and Management Information Systems Quarterly Executive (MISQE). 

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