AITHM James Cook University

Northern Australian Regional Digital Health Collaborative

Digital health solutions for a healthier Northern Australia.

The Northern Australian Regional Digital Health Collaborative (NARDHC) is a partnership between six lead organisations from the health, science, technology, and academic sectors, supported by the Australian Government Department of Education under the Strategic University Reform Fund.

Together, we aim to strengthen the healthcare system in rural, regional, and remote Australia by enhancing the use of innovative digital health technologies that can predict and prevent chronic and long-term diseases, support early intervention, and enhance the access to quality healthcare.

We will achieve this through our dedicated digital health collaborative, who are building networks between industry, universities, and end-users (health care providers, patients, and consumers) across Northern Australia. We are actively identifying and developing digital health technologies and capacity, and designing, implementing, and evaluating digital health interventions.

Find out more on the NARDHC website